Yesterday’s post was the first since the start of 2021 that I haven’t published simultaneously on Medium. There was good reason for that. In any sensible world I probably wouldn’t have posted it to this site, either. The fact that I did is part of a useful lesson for me.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a fan of Seth Godin and his belief that the vital part of creating is shipping. Putting it out there. This is what, in the end, makes the difference between a diary and a blog.
At the same time, as much as publishing every day is a worthy aim, there comes a time when publishing for the sake of it — with material that is plain poor — is verging on the self-centred. An ego trip, even. It may also fall into the category of abuse. Ok, maybe not quite that far.
I want to post every day and I want to make my posts worth reading. At the very least I want to make them worth writing. Yesterday’s failed on both scores. And yet I had nothing else. By putting it up solely on my personal site, I was able to accept that the post was not something I needed to advertise. Visitors to this site are few and far between. And I have to remember that anyone finding themselves in this internet backwoods can choose to read or not to read.
But posting was important because I have committed to post.
So, the post fell neatly into a grey area between shipping and hiding. That suits me.
And at least it has given me some fuel for a topic today. This post won’t be making it to Medium either.
Back to normal tomorrow. That’s what the forecast says, anyway.